2009-2010 ASSISTment Skill Builder Data

Data Description

Column Description



order id

Non-chronological id, refer to original problem log

assignment id

Each assignment is specific to single teacher/class.

user id

Id of the student

problem id

Id of the problem


Main problem or Scaffolding problem


Correct on the fisrt attempt or Incorrect on the first attempt, or asked for help

attempt count

Number of attempts of the student

ms first reponse

The time in the milliseconds for the student’s first response

tutor mode

tutor or test

answer type

choose_1 or algebra or fill_in or open_response

sequence id

Id of the problem set

student class id

Class id


Assignment position on the class assignments page

problem set type

Linear or Random or Mastery

base sequence id

If the sequence has been copied, this points to the original copy

skill id

ID of the skill associated with the problem. In this skill builder dataset, records will be duplicated so that each record with one skill.

skill name

Name of the skill

teacher id

ID of the teacher

school id

ID of the school

hint count

Number of student attempts

hint total

Number of possible hints on the problem

overlap time

Time in milliseconds

template id

The template ID of the ASSISTment. ASSISTments with the same template ID have similar questions.

answer id

The answer ID for multi-choice questions.

answer text

The answer text for fill-in questions.

first action

The type of first action: attemp or ask for a hint.

bottom hint

Whether or not the student asks for all hints.


The number of opportunities the student has to practice on this skill.

opportunity original

The number of opportunities the student has to practice on this skill counting only original problems.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objs as go
path = "ASSISTments2009-2010.csv"

data = pd.read_csv(path, encoding = "ISO-8859-15",low_memory=False)

Record Examples

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
order_id assignment_id user_id assistment_id problem_id original correct attempt_count ms_first_response tutor_mode answer_type sequence_id student_class_id position type base_sequence_id skill_id skill_name teacher_id school_id hint_count hint_total overlap_time template_id answer_id answer_text first_action bottom_hint opportunity opportunity_original
0 33022537 277618 64525 33139 51424 1 1 1 32454 tutor algebra 5948 13241 126 MasterySection 5948 1.0 Box and Whisker 22763 73 0 3 32454 30799 NaN 26 0 NaN 1 1.0
1 33022709 277618 64525 33150 51435 1 1 1 4922 tutor algebra 5948 13241 126 MasterySection 5948 1.0 Box and Whisker 22763 73 0 3 4922 30799 NaN 55 0 NaN 2 2.0
2 35450204 220674 70363 33159 51444 1 0 2 25390 tutor algebra 5948 11816 22 MasterySection 5948 1.0 Box and Whisker 22763 73 0 3 42000 30799 NaN 88 0 NaN 1 1.0
3 35450295 220674 70363 33110 51395 1 1 1 4859 tutor algebra 5948 11816 22 MasterySection 5948 1.0 Box and Whisker 22763 73 0 3 4859 30059 NaN 41 0 NaN 2 2.0
4 35450311 220674 70363 33196 51481 1 0 14 19813 tutor algebra 5948 11816 22 MasterySection 5948 1.0 Box and Whisker 22763 73 3 4 124564 30060 NaN 65 0 0.0 3 3.0

General features

order_id assignment_id user_id assistment_id problem_id original correct attempt_count ms_first_response sequence_id student_class_id position base_sequence_id skill_id teacher_id school_id hint_count hint_total overlap_time template_id answer_id first_action bottom_hint opportunity opportunity_original
count 4.017560e+05 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 4.017560e+05 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 338001.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 401756.000000 4.017560e+05 401756.000000 45454.000000 401756.000000 67044.000000 401756.000000 328291.000000
mean 3.066256e+07 273701.845882 83414.154542 46443.517526 81117.030011 0.817140 0.642923 1.596417 4.748464e+04 7284.411088 12919.115222 57.163649 6786.020985 127.167032 46875.587322 3031.291025 0.487470 2.235817 5.964848e+04 39571.335029 145094.431667 0.130012 0.724092 20.553535 14.403307
std 5.264886e+06 11338.460017 7417.814021 11832.443427 25426.799662 0.386552 0.479139 12.050437 3.614590e+05 1497.941072 783.548291 65.215464 1263.359735 120.427518 15892.975481 1830.451486 1.187255 1.804244 3.822188e+05 12679.439926 47127.478285 0.394099 0.446974 62.523994 62.393684
min 2.022408e+07 217900.000000 14.000000 86.000000 83.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -7.759575e+06 5870.000000 11644.000000 1.000000 5870.000000 1.000000 11158.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -7.759575e+06 86.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
25% 2.660218e+07 266784.000000 78970.000000 37046.000000 58467.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 8.518000e+03 5979.000000 12352.000000 9.000000 5968.000000 39.000000 42999.000000 2770.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.066900e+04 30244.000000 104412.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.000000 3.000000
50% 3.110513e+07 271629.000000 80111.000000 44498.000000 80734.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.945300e+04 6910.000000 12574.000000 27.000000 6094.000000 74.000000 45778.000000 2770.000000 0.000000 3.000000 2.426450e+04 30987.000000 136247.000000 0.000000 1.000000 8.000000 6.000000
75% 3.494364e+07 279158.000000 88142.000000 53142.000000 93102.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 4.457825e+04 8032.000000 13241.000000 92.000000 7014.000000 279.000000 59882.000000 5056.000000 0.000000 4.000000 5.698925e+04 46399.000000 184077.000000 0.000000 1.000000 19.000000 13.000000
max 3.831020e+07 291503.000000 96299.000000 106210.000000 207348.000000 1.000000 1.000000 3824.000000 8.407692e+07 13362.000000 14415.000000 295.000000 13362.000000 378.000000 69274.000000 9948.000000 10.000000 10.000000 8.407692e+07 106180.000000 323181.000000 2.000000 1.000000 3371.000000 3371.000000
print("The number of records: "+ str(len(data['order_id'].unique())))
The number of records: 346860
print('Part of missing values for every column')
print(data.isnull().sum() / len(data))
Part of missing values for every column
order_id                0.000000
assignment_id           0.000000
user_id                 0.000000
assistment_id           0.000000
problem_id              0.000000
original                0.000000
correct                 0.000000
attempt_count           0.000000
ms_first_response       0.000000
tutor_mode              0.000000
answer_type             0.000000
sequence_id             0.000000
student_class_id        0.000000
position                0.000000
type                    0.000000
base_sequence_id        0.000000
skill_id                0.158691
skill_name              0.189466
teacher_id              0.000000
school_id               0.000000
hint_count              0.000000
hint_total              0.000000
overlap_time            0.000000
template_id             0.000000
answer_id               0.886862
answer_text             0.222045
first_action            0.000000
bottom_hint             0.833123
opportunity             0.000000
opportunity_original    0.182860
dtype: float64
ds = data['user_id'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds['user_id'] = ds['user_id'].astype(str) + '-'
ds = ds.sort_values(['count']).tail(40)

fig = px.bar(
    x = 'count',
    y = 'user_id',
    title='Top 40 students by number of actions'

ds = data['user_id'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds = ds.sort_values('user_id')

fig = px.histogram(
    x = 'user_id',
    y = 'count',
    title = 'User action distribution'

ds = data['problem_id'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds['problem_id'] = ds['problem_id'].astype(str) + '-'
ds = ds.sort_values(['count']).tail(40)

fig = px.bar(
    x = 'count',
    y = 'problem_id',
    orientation = 'h',
    title = 'Top 40 useful problem_ids'

ds = data['problem_id'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds = ds.sort_values('problem_id')

fig = px.histogram(
    title='problem_id action distribution'

ds = data['correct'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds['percent'] /= len(data)
ds = ds.sort_values(['percent'])

fig = px.pie(
    names = ['wrong', 'right'],
    values = 'percent',
    title = 'Percent of correct answers'


Sort by answer types

ds = data['answer_type'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds['percent'] /= len(data)
ds = ds.sort_values(['percent'])

fig = px.pie(
    names = 'answer_type',
    values = 'percent',
    title = 'Problem type',

fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=2)

traces = [
        x = ['wrong', 'right'],
        y = [
            len(data[(data['answer_type'] == item) & (data['correct'] == 0)]),
            len(data[(data['answer_type'] == item) & (data['correct'] == 1)])
        name = 'Type: ' + str(item),
        text = [
            str(round(100*len(data[(data['answer_type'] == item)&(data['correct'] == 0)])/len(data[data['answer_type'] == item]),2)) + '%',
            str(round(100*len(data[(data['answer_type'] == item)&(data['correct'] == 1)])/len(data[data['answer_type'] == item]),2)) + '%'
        textposition = 'auto'
    ) for item in data['answer_type'].unique().tolist()

for i in range(len(traces)):
        (i //2) + 1,
        (i % 2) + 1

    title_text = 'Percent of correct answers for every problem type',


Sort by schools

ds = data['school_id'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds['percent'] /= len(data)
ds = ds.sort_values(['percent'])

fig = px.pie(
    names = 'school_id',
    values = 'percent',
    title = 'Percent of schools',

ds = data['school_id'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds['school_id'] = ds['school_id'].astype(str) + '-'
ds = ds.sort_values(['count']).tail(20)

fig = px.bar(
    x = 'count',
    y = 'school_id',
    orientation = 'h',
    title = 'Top 20 useful school_ids'


Sort by attemp counts

ds = data['attempt_count'].value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds['attempt_count'] = ds['attempt_count'].astype(str) + '-'
ds = ds.sort_values(['count']).tail(40)

fig = px.bar(
    x = 'count',
    y = 'attempt_count',
    orientation = 'h',
    title = 'Top 20 often attempt count'


Sort by skills

ds = data['skill_id'].dropna() # There are less NaNs in 'skill_id' column than 'skill_name' column.
ds = ds.value_counts().reset_index()

ds.columns = [

ds['skill_id'] = ds['skill_id'].astype(str) + '-'
ds = ds.sort_values(['count']).tail(40)

fig = px.bar(
    x = 'count',
    y = 'skill_id',
    orientation = 'h',
    title = 'Top 40 useful skill_id'

[ ]: