
data source


Any form of commercial usage is not allowed!
Please cite the following paper if you publish your work:

Haw-Shiuan Chang, Hwai-Jung Hsu and Kuan-Ta Chen,
"Modeling Exercise Relationships in E-Learning: A Unified Approach,"
International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), 2015.


The dataset contains the problem log and exercise-related information on the Junyi Academy ( http://www.junyiacademy.org/ ), an E-learning platform established in 2012 on the basis of the open-source code released by Khan Academy. In addition, the annotations of exercise relationship we collected for building models are also available.

Data Description

Column Description




Exercise name (The name is also an id of exercise, so each name is unique in the dataset). If you want to access the exercise on the website, please append this name after url, http://www.junyiacademy.org/exercise/ (e.g., http://www.junyiacademy.org/exercise/similar_triangles_1 ). Please note that Junyi Academy are constantly changing their contents as Khan Academy did, so some url of exercises might be unavaible when you access them.


Whether the exercise is still accessible on the website on Jan. 2015


Indicate its prerequisite exericse (parent shown in its knowledge map)


The coordiate on the x axis of the knowledge map


The coordiate on the y axis of the knowledge map


The date this exercise is created


The website judge a student finish the exercise fast if he/she takes less then this time to answer the question. The number is manually assigned by the experts in Junyi Academy.


The chinese name of exercise shown in the knowledge map (Please use UTF-8 to decode the chinese characters)


Another chinese name of exercise (Please use UTF-8 to decode the chinese characters)


The topic of each exercise, and the topic would be shown as a larger node in the knowledge map.


The area of each exercise (Each area contains several topics)

import numpy as np
import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd

import plotly.express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objs as go

path = "./junyi/junyi_Exercise_table.csv"

data = pd.read_csv(path, encoding = "utf-8",low_memory=False)
name live prerequisites h_position v_position creation_date seconds_per_fast_problem pretty_display_name short_display_name topic area
0 parabola_intuition_1 True recognizing_conic_sections 47 2 2012-10-11 17:55:24.8056 UTC 13.0 ?物線直覺 1 ?物線直覺1 conic-sections algebra
1 circles_and_arcs True NaN 40 -20 2012-10-11 17:55:33.41014 UTC 27.0 圓與弧 圓與弧 area-perimeter-and-volume geometry
2 inscribed_angles_3 True inscribed_angles_2 44 -22 2012-10-11 17:55:44.11836 UTC 5.0 圓周角與圓心角換算 3 圓周角與圓心角換算3 circle-properties geometry
3 solving_quadratics_by_factoring True factoring_polynomials_1 50 -2 2012-10-11 17:54:59.28029 UTC 7.0 因式分解法 因式分解法 quadtratics algebra
4 graphing_parabolas_1 True graphing_parabolas_0.5 52 0 2012-10-11 17:55:00.48268 UTC 24.0 畫拋物線 1 畫拋物線1 quadtratics algebra
h_position v_position seconds_per_fast_problem
count 837.000000 837.000000 837.000000
mean 25.402628 -5.704898 10.782557
std 15.876667 12.721159 8.935352
min -15.000000 -34.000000 0.000000
25% 15.000000 -17.000000 5.000000
50% 26.000000 -5.000000 8.000000
75% 36.000000 5.000000 13.000000
max 60.000000 19.000000 60.000000
data["area"] = [item if item != "null" and item !='nan' else "unknown"
                            for item in data["area"].apply(str)]

fig = px.scatter(
    x = 'h_position',
    y = 'v_position',
    title='Exercises distribution on area in knowledge map'

data["topic"] = [item if item != "null" and item !='nan' else "unknown"
                            for item in data["topic"].apply(str)]

fig = px.scatter(
    x = 'h_position',
    y = 'v_position',
    title='Exercises distribution on topics in knowledge map'

import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

# Creating two subplots
def makeplot(title='Average time And Exercises count spent on area',groupByItem='area'):

    ds = ds.sort_values('exercise_count')

    fig = px.bar(
    x = 'exercise_count',
    y = groupByItem,

makeplot(title='Exercise count on area',groupByItem='area')
makeplot(title='Exercise count on topics',groupByItem='topic')




Exercise_A, Exercise_B

The exercise names being compared

Similarity_avg, Difficulty_avg, Prequesite_avg

The mean opinion scores of different relationships. This is also the ground truth we used to train/test our model.

Similarity_raw, Difficulty_raw, Prequesite_raw

The raw scores given by workers (delimiter is “_”)

path = "./junyi/relationship_annotation_training.csv"

data = dd.read_csv(path, encoding = "utf-8",low_memory=False)
Exercise_A Exercise_B Similarity_avg Similarity_raw Difficulty_avg Difficulty_raw Prerequisite_avg Prerequisite_raw
0 radius_diameter_and_circumference arithmetic_word_problems_1 1.857143 1_4_1_1_1_1_2_1_1_1_3_1_3_5 2.857143 4_5_1_1_1_1_7_1_1_4_2_5_2_5 3.000000 1_6_1_1_1_3_2_1_9_2_3_2_8_2
1 radius_diameter_and_circumference parts_of_circles 6.785714 6_9_6_6_7_8_7_8_8_8_4_6_5_7 2.428571 3_5_1_3_2_1_5_1_1_1_1_2_5_3 7.285714 6_7_7_6_8_8_9_5_9_9_7_7_5_9
2 radius_diameter_and_circumference perimeter_of_squares_and_rectangles 3.571429 2_6_4_1_1_2_4_4_7_2_3_4_4_6 2.285714 2_5_1_1_1_1_3_2_1_1_5_2_3_4 5.000000 2_6_5_4_2_8_3_5_9_5_5_3_7_6
3 vertex_of_a_parabola solving_quadratics_by_taking_the_square_root 5.923077 6_7_6_7_8_4_5_4_3_6_6_8_7 3.307692 3_3_3_1_2_2_4_4_4_3_5_5_4 5.846154 5_8_7_7_6_2_6_5_6_7_3_7_7
4 vertex_of_a_parabola completing_the_square_1 5.692308 7_5_7_8_3_4_5_5_3_6_7_7_7 3.307692 2_3_3_4_2_2_4_4_5_3_4_4_3 5.461538 6_4_6_8_2_2_5_6_5_6_7_7_7
Similarity_avg Difficulty_avg Prerequisite_avg
count 1131.000000 1131.000000 1131.000000
mean 5.088256 4.402577 4.801077
std 2.248680 1.586114 1.934648
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.166667
25% 3.100000 3.153846 3.160256
50% 5.333333 4.333333 4.777778
75% 7.000000 5.538462 6.333333
max 9.000000 8.454545 8.800000




An number represents an user


Exercise name


Some exercises would record what template of problem this student encounters at this time


How many times this student practices this exercise (e.g., the number would be 1 if the student tries to answer this exercise at the first time)


Whether the student is assigned this exercise by clicking the topic icon (This function has been closed now)


Whether the exercise is suggested by the system according to prerequisite relationships on the knowledge map


Whether the exercise is done by the student after he/she earn proficiency


Unix timestamp in microsecends


Second the student spend on this exercise


Seconds the student spend on each answering attempt


Whether the student’s first attempt is correct, and the field would be false if any hint is requested


How many times student attempt to answer the problem


Whether student request hints


How many times student request hints


Seconds the student spend on each requested hints


Whether the student reaches proficiency. Please refer to http://david-hu.com/2011/11/02/how-khan-academy-is-using-machine-learning-to-assess-student-mastery.html for the algorithm of determining proficiency


How many points students earn for this practice

path = "./junyi/junyi_ProblemLog_original.csv"

data = dd.read_csv(path, encoding = "utf-8",low_memory=False, dtype={'hint_time_taken_list': 'object'})
user_id exercise problem_type problem_number topic_mode suggested review_mode time_done time_taken time_taken_attempts correct count_attempts hint_used count_hints hint_time_taken_list earned_proficiency points_earned
0 12884 time_terminology analog_word 1 False False False 1420714810324490 4 3&1 False 2 False 0 NaN False 0
1 239464 multiplication_1 0 6 False False False 1403098400836660 2 2 True 1 False 0 NaN False 14
2 147359 adding_decimals_0.5 0 6 False False False 1418890695540340 16 16 True 1 False 0 NaN False 75
3 158155 multiplication_1 0 3 False False False 1400469444264040 2 2 True 1 False 0 NaN False 75
4 147151 subtraction_2 subtraction-2 10 True True False 1382650905730160 4 4 True 1 False 0 NaN False 225
user_id problem_number time_done time_taken count_attempts count_hints points_earned
count 2.592599e+07 2.592599e+07 2.592599e+07 2.592599e+07 2.592599e+07 2.592599e+07 2.592599e+07
mean 1.236557e+05 2.859253e+01 3.263023e+11 9.955710e+01 1.363888e+00 2.850791e-01 8.219998e+01
std 7.121600e+04 9.871659e+01 1.248303e+13 2.157362e+05 2.391150e+00 1.276758e+00 9.056150e+01
min 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.350004e+15 -5.049212e+08 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
25% 6.199900e+04 4.000000e+00 1.395736e+15 4.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.000000e+00
50% 1.242630e+05 9.000000e+00 1.405395e+15 8.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.000000e+01
75% 1.856380e+05 2.200000e+01 1.415168e+15 1.800000e+01 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.950000e+02
max 2.476050e+05 5.174000e+03 1.421000e+15 4.067572e+08 1.000000e+03 2.000000e+01 2.250000e+02
total_count = len(data)
ds = data['earned_proficiency'].value_counts().reset_index().compute()

ds.columns = [

ds['percent'] /= total_count
ds = ds.sort_values(['percent'])

earned_proficiency percent
1 True 0.046066
0 False 0.953934
fig = px.pie(
    names = ['mastered','not mastered'],
    values = 'percent',
    title = 'Percent of mastered exercises',

ds = data['correct'].value_counts().reset_index().compute()
ds.columns = [
ds['percent'] /= total_count
ds = ds.sort_values(['percent'])
correct percent
1 False 0.172126
0 True 0.827874
fig = px.pie(
    names = ['wrong','correct'],
    values = 'percent',
    title = 'Percent of answer correctly at first attempt',

The tab delimited format used in PSLC datashop, please refer to their document ( https://pslcdatashop.web.cmu.edu/help?page=importFormatTd ) The size of the text file is too large (9.1 GB) to analyze using tools of websites, so we compress the text file and put it as an extra file of the dataset. We also upload a small subset of data into the website for the illustration purpose. Note that there are some assumptions when converting the data into this format, please read the description of our dataset for more details.

path = "./junyi/junyi_ProblemLog_for_PSLC.txt"
data = dd.read_csv(path, sep='\t',encoding = "utf-8")
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 2000)
Anon Student Id Session Id Time Student Response Type Tutor Response Type Level (Unit) Level (Section) Problem Name Problem Start Time Step Name Outcome Condition Name Condition Type Selection Action Input KC (Exercise) KC (Topic) KC (Area) CF (points_earned) CF (earned_proficiency)
0 12884 148691 1420714809324 ATTEMPT RESULT telling-time time_terminology time_terminology--analog_word 1420714806324 time_terminology--analog_word INCORRECT Choose_Exercise NaN NaN NaN NaN time_terminology telling-time arithmetic 0 0
1 12884 148691 1420714810324 ATTEMPT RESULT telling-time time_terminology time_terminology--analog_word 1420714809324 time_terminology--analog_word INCORRECT Choose_Exercise NaN NaN NaN NaN time_terminology telling-time arithmetic 0 0
2 239464 93497 1403098400837 ATTEMPT RESULT multiplication-division multiplication_1 multiplication_1--0 1403098398837 multiplication_1--0 CORRECT Choose_Exercise NaN NaN NaN NaN multiplication_1 multiplication-division arithmetic 14 0
3 147359 145156 1418890695540 ATTEMPT RESULT decimals adding_decimals_0.5 adding_decimals_0.5--0 1418890679540 adding_decimals_0.5--0 CORRECT Choose_Exercise NaN NaN NaN NaN adding_decimals_0.5 decimals arithmetic 75 0
4 158155 105559 1400469444264 ATTEMPT RESULT multiplication-division multiplication_1 multiplication_1--0 1400469442264 multiplication_1--0 CORRECT Choose_Exercise NaN NaN NaN NaN multiplication_1 multiplication-division arithmetic 75 0

Questions and Collaboration:

1. If you have any question to this dataset, please e-mail to hschang@cs.umass.edu.
2. If you have intention to acquire more data which fit your research purpose, please contact Junyi Academy directly for discussing the further cooperation opportunites by emailing to support@junyiacademy.org


1. The dataset we used in our paper (Modeling Exercise Relationships in E-Learning: A Unified Approach) is extracted from Junyi Academy on July 2014, and this dataset is extracted on Jan 2015. After applying our method on the new dataset, we got similar observation with that in our paper, even though this dataset contains more users and exercises.
2. After uncompress the original problem log and problem log using PLSC format, the text files will take around 2.6 GB and 9.1 GB respectively. Please prepare enough space in your disk.


  1. PSLC数据集是对original数据集做了处理以后生成的数据,拆分的字段为time_taken_attempts,因此PSLC数据集的条目数比original的多


ds=data.groupby('Anon Student Id').agg({'Session Id':'count'}).describe().compute()
Session Id
count 247547.000000
mean 159.412964
std 598.876158
min 1.000000
25% 7.000000
50% 19.000000
75% 82.000000
max 55984.000000
# 每个session对应的练习次数、知识点数(1%抽样)
nunique = dd.Aggregation(
    chunk=lambda s: s.apply(lambda x: list(set(x))),
    agg=lambda s0: s0.obj.groupby(level=list(range(s0.obj.index.nlevels))).sum(),
    finalize=lambda s1: s1.apply(lambda final: len(set(final))),
ds = data1.groupby('Session Id').agg({'KC (Exercise)':'nunique', 'KC (Topic)':'nunique','Time':lambda x: x.max()-x.min()})
KC (Exercise) KC (Topic) Time
count 164015.000000 164015.000000 1.640150e+05
mean 1.994543 1.564345 5.521162e+08
std 2.457822 1.288020 2.618666e+09
min 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00
25% 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00
50% 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00
75% 2.000000 2.000000 1.515309e+06
max 121.000000 35.000000 6.488305e+10
[ ]: